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45 Wellington Street Riverstone N.S.W 2765 Australia Ph: +61 2 9627 5577
26 Corbould Rd Coolum Beach Qld 4573 Australia Ph: +61 7 5324 1557
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Oyster Farm Pontoons
Marine Dock Systems designs and manufactures oyster cultivation pontoons. Made from UV stabilised polyethylene flotation modules and marine grade aluminium framing. The plastic pontoons are food grade material and will not harm marine life or effect the oysters. Aluminium framing is heavy duty marine grade to withstand harsh conditions and corrosion. We currently have different designs one with shipping in mind, a modular system so that the pontoons can be shipped on pallets and or loaded into containers. Also a design with fully welded pontoons in larger sections. |

Oyster Cultivation Pontoons - Modular System
Here at Marine Dock Systems we have designed a seamless bolt together oyster cultivation pontoon. Manufactured from marine grade aluminium and polyethylene floats. With this design shipping can be reduced to pallet sizes for ease of transport and cost reduction. Any length of pontoon is possible. Examples below show our modular system.
Single Oyster Lease Modular Section
 2 x 550 litre floats Dwg # 7047-01
Each section as per drawing # 7047-01
Will weigh approximately 120kg per section
Each section will have a load capacity of 430kg |
Mulitple Oyster Lease sections bolted together

8 x 550 litre floats Dwg # 7047-02
Multiple section as per drawing # 7047-02
Will weigh approximately 480kg per section
This section will have a load capacity of 1720kg |
Oyster Pontoons - Showing different cross beam locations
Single Oyster Lease Modular Section
 2 x 550 litre floats Dwg # 7045-01
Each section as per drawing # 7045-01
Will weigh approximately 120kg per section
Each section will have a load capacity of 430kg
Mulitple Oyster Lease sections bolted together

12 x 550 litre floats Dwg # 7045-02
Multiple section as per drawing # 7045-02
Will weigh approximately 720kg per section
This section will have a load capacity of 2580kg |
Oyster Cultivation Pontoon - Large fully welded system
Marine Dock Systems large fully welded oyster cultivation pontoon. Manufactured from marine grade aluminium and polyethylene floats. These sections can also be added together to make the system as long as desired. Using our comtor joining section the joint is never in tention and always in compression.
This pontoon / raft has a payload of 1700kg max.
Examples below fully welded system.
Fully welded Oyster Lease Large Section
 6 x 550 litre floats Dwg # 7054-01 |
Drawing 7054-01 Large fully welded system
This drawing shows 6 mtr long section x 4.66 mtrs wide. Comtor joining kits can bolt straight on to bolt mulitple sections together. Cross beams can be moved ant bolted in desired location for different size oyster racks / cages.
It has anchor points on all four corners and cast aluminium cleats for mooring an oyster barge alongside.
This pontoon / raft has a payload of 1700kg max.
Polyethylene Floats
Flotation modules can be bought separately so that aluminium frame work can be manufactured locally.
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45 Wellington Street Riverstone N.S.W 2765 Australia Ph: +61 2 9627 5577
26 Corbould Rd Coolum Beach Qld 4573 Australia Ph: +61 7 5324 1557
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